Havent Heard Back After Interview in Set Time Period

50 Amazing Facts You Haven't Heard 50 Times Before

Bookmark this list of fascinating trivia facts for your next dinner party. You're guaranteed to impress all your guests.

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Portrait of a two shocked young men holding mobile phones and looking at each other isolated over yellow background Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

"No way!"

We live on a pretty spectacular planet. Between animals, weather, different cultures, food, politics, and history, there is so much to learn, including some fascinating trivia. If you're ever bored or want to impress someone, why not break out these 50 amazing facts that you haven't already heard 50 times before. You'll also want to know these 46 weird facts that most people don't know.

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mosquito on human skin at sunset mycteria/Shutterstock

Fact: It would take 1.2 million mosquitoes to drain an adult human of blood

If each mosquito only sucked once, there would have to be more than 1million of the little pests to get all of the blood out of a person. And yes: mosquitoes suck, they don't bite. Here's why certain people attract mosquitoes more than others.

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fountain of Cibeles In Madrid, Spain dimbar76/Shutterstock

Fact: Spain is the second most-visited country in the world

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, 86.9 million people visited France in 2017. Spain was close behind, hosting 81.8 million visitors. The United States is number three with 76.9 million guests. Another fun fact: Spaniards are some of the healthiest people on earth.

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Bosnia and Herzegovina flag waving against clean blue sky, isolated with clipping mask alpha channel transparency railway fx/Shutterstock

Fact: Bosnia and Herzegovina is home to the tallest people in the world

Yes, the Dutch are tall—and the Netherlands houses the second tallest people in the world. But the former Yugoslavian country beat them out by one-tenth of a millimeter.

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A view of the Kobe Earthquake Memorial Park, where a piece of the harbor is being left untouched in its wrecked state. J. Aa./Shutterstock

Fact: More earthquakes have been recorded in Japan than any other country

The U.S. Geological Survey reports that Japan has more earthquakes than anywhere else on earth. China, Indonesia, Iran, and Turkey also have their fair share of the geologic events.

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south sudan punghi/Shutterstock

Fact: South Sudan is the youngest country in the world

No, we're not talking about the average age of the citizens—South Sudan itself is young. It has only officially been a country since 2008. Unfortunately, it's also a country where not all of these children's rights are universal.

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This is Persepolis ancient city with beautiful and blue sky , famous place to visit ,one of world heritage site , UNESCO in Shiraz , Iran TripDeeDee Photo/Shutterstock

Fact: Iran is the oldest country in the world

Iran has been a sovereign nation since 3200 BCE, making it the world's oldest. It is home to two very early civilizations: Elam and Jiroft. It's also one of the countries that have banned McDonald's.

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Birthday cake with candles, bright lights bokeh. Studio Romantic/Shutterstock

Fact: September 9 is the most common birthday

In fact, nine out of ten of the most common birth dates are all in the month of September. This means that December is a popular time to conceive. Can you guess how many living people share your birthday?

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chinese soldiers Alexander Ryabintsev/Shutterstock

Fact: China has the largest army in the world

With more than 2 million personnel, China's army is the biggest around. The second largest is from India, while the U.S. army comes in third.

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California Giant Salamander Profile Matt Knoth/Shutterstock

Fact: Idaho has an official state amphibian

After a five-year selection process, the Idaho giant salamander was chosen as the state's official amphibian in 2015. These salamanders are, indeed, large, being up to 13 inches (ca. 33 cm) long. Find out the strangest animal in your state.

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hialeah florida immigrant population tome213/Shutterstock

Fact: The city with the highest immigrant population in the United States is in Florida

We think of New York City as the city of immigrants, but when it comes to which cities have the highest percentage of residents who are immigrants, the Big Apple ranks eighth in the country. First on the list is Hialeah, Florida, where immigrants comprise about 74.4 percent of the total city population. Find out 15 more fascinating facts about America you never learned in school.

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Tungurahua Volcano eruption Fotos593/Shutterstock

Fact: There are approximately 1,500 active volcanoes in the world

Though erupting volcanoes seem rare, there are actually around 1,500 active volcanoes throughout the world. Of those, 169 are in the United States. You can actually visit these 13 active volcanoes.

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The skyline view of Ryugyong Hotel, an unfinished 105-story pyramid-shaped skyscraper & the first tall building in Pyongyang city, the capital of North Korea (DPRK) Chintung Lee/Shutterstock

Fact: The tallest unfinished building in the world is in North Korea

Not only is the Ryugyong Hotel in Pyongyang, North Korea the tallest building in the country, it's also the tallest unfinished building in the world. Construction on the hotel began in 1987 and it's still not done. These are the 25 tallest skyscrapers in the world.

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2020 olympic sports lazyllama/Shutterstock

Fact: 4 new sports will be introduced in the 2020 Olympics

The summer Olympics Games Tokyo 2020 will feature four new sports: karate, skateboarding, sport climbing, and surfing. Baseball and softball, which had both previously been played in earlier games, will both return. On the other hand, here are 7 weird sports you'll never believe were part of the Olympics.

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Sandstorm in Sudan yiannisscheidt/Shutterstock

Fact: Sudan has the highest number of pollution-related deaths

More people die of causes related to pollution in Sudan than anywhere else on earth. An ongoing civil war has resulted in land degradation and desertification, and high levels of gas emissions reduce air quality. These are more of the most polluted cities in the world.

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first amusement park bakken in denmark Stig Alenas/Shutterstock

Fact: Denmark is home to the oldest amusement park in the world

Dyrehavsbakken, an amusement park located in Denmark, is the oldest in the world. It opened in 1583 and is located 6.2 miles (ca. 10 km) north of Copenhagen. Here's more on it and the 7 other oldest amusement parks in the world.

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Orion Nebula M42 with Galaxy,Open Cluster,Globular Cluster, stars and space dust in the universe and Milky way taken by dedicated astrophotography camera on telescope. Antares_StarExplorer/Shutterstock

Fact: We don't know how many stars are in the Milky Way

Scientists don't know the exact number of stars in the galaxy. According to NASA, there are anywhere between 100 billion and 400 billion stars in the Milky Way. Find out 13 amazing facts about the women of NASA.

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Closeup of a rubber band ball Glenn Young/Shutterstock

Fact: The world's largest rubber band ball is the size of the average NBA player

The largest rubber band ball in the world is 6 feet and 7 inches tall. It's made of more than 700,000 rubber bands and weighs in at 9,032 lb (ca. 4 t). Joel Waul of Lauderhill, Florida is responsible for this bouncy monstrosity. Find out the craziest world record set in every state.

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largest toothpick display debra millet/Shutterstock

Fact: The largest display of toothpick sculptures in the world is comprised of 101 structures

Stan Munro from the United States is the mastermind behind the world's largest display of toothpick sculptures. It took Munro more than ten years, three million toothpicks and 75 gallons (283.91 l) of glue to make the 101 structures that are part of his display, featuring buildings from 37 different countries. Find out 16 world records set in 2019.

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WWII raising the flat on iwo jima Everett Collection/Shutterstock

Fact: World War II had the highest total death toll of any war

Counting all battle and civilian deaths, World War II (1939 to 1945) had the most fatalities of any conflict in world history: approximately 56.4 million people. Proportionately, Poland lost the highest percentage of its population, with 6,028,000 or 17.2 percent of its population of 35,100,000 killed. Find out 10 tricky U.S. war history questions no one ever gets right.

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ellis island Nara Archives/Shutterstock

Fact: April 17, 1907, was the busiest day at Ellis Island ever

Between 1892 and 1954, millions of immigrants were processed at Ellis Island upon arriving in the United States. But the day that holds the record for the most people is April 17, 1907. A total of 11, 747 people were processed on that day. Find out 25 famous people you didn't know got American citizenship.

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Browser: macro shot of www and cursor atm2003/Shutterstock

Fact: More than 4 billion people use the Internet in the world

As of December 2018, there were approximately 4.1 billion people in the world who used the Internet. That number is steadily increasing; there were 3.9 billion Internet users in mid-2018. That's why it's even more important you know these strategies to not getting hacked online.

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United States one dollar bill laying in a stack of money. Constantine Pankin/Shutterstock

Fact: Producing a $100 bill costs more than double than making a $1 bill

You'd think that paper money is paper money, regardless of the amount printed on it, but that's not the case. According to the Federal Reserve, it costs 5.5¢ to make a $1 or $2 bill, but approximately 11¢ to make fives, tens, 20s, and 50s. But $100 bills cost 14.2¢ each to manufacture. Here are 16 other facts about money that will make your jaw drop.

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Emperor penguin with children, the Antarctic. BMJ/Shutterstock

Fact: Penguins used to be much bigger

Penguins are pretty cute, but would we think the same way if they were the size of humans? This is something we don't need to worry about today, but it turns out that approximately 60 million years ago these cold-weather birds used to be much bigger. We bet they were still adorable, just like their modern-day ancestors.

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cemetary Bob Pool/Shutterstock

Facts: Human corpses can move more than one year after death

This sounds like something out of a horror film, but it's actually true: dead humans can move on their own more than one year after the person passes away. No, this doesn't mean they're zombies—scientists think it's likely caused by the body's ligaments drying out, shrinking, and contracting. Find out 16 crazy family secrets people learned after their loved one died.

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tornado in texas Steven Maupin/AP/Shutterstock

Fact: Texas has the highest average number of tornadoes in the United States

Though we may associate Kansas with tornadoes thanks to the Wizard of Oz, Texas actually has more of these destructive cyclones on average each year: 155. Kansas does, however, come in second with an average of 96 tornadoes each year. Don't miss these 9 extraordinary weather events caught on camera.

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Atacama desert Tomacrosse/Shutterstock

Fact: The Atacama desert is the driest place on earth (not counting the poles)

Located in Chile, the Atacama desert has an average rainfall of 5.08 mm (0.2 in) per year. However, when it does rain, it occasionally turns the desert into a lush landscape of flowers.

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cat Esin Deniz/Shutterstock

Fact: Cats can recognize their own name—and also ignore you

If you've ever felt as though your cat is ignoring you, you may be right. A 2019 study published in Scientific Reports found that domesticated cats do recognize their own name when called, but may or may not take the time to respond or acknowledge you. Here are 17 other things you never knew about your cat.

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Drosophila Fruit Fly Insect on Green Grass nechaevkon/Shutterstock

Fact: A fruit fly's sperm is longer than a human's

We know that sperm is tiny, but so are fruit flies. But as it turns out, a fruit fly, which is approximately three millimeters (0.11 inch) long, produces sperm measuring about 58 millimeters, or 2.2 inches, long. Human sperm, on the other hand, is significantly shorter: about 0.06 millimeters long, or 0.002 inch. Find out how some bugs are able to make really loud noises.

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natural snowflakes on snow, photo real snowflakes during a snowfall, under natural conditions at low temperature ch123/Shutterstock

Fact: Snowflakes aren't all unique

Yes, the idea that every snowflake is different is a nice example of the infinite possibilities of nature, but it's not exactly true. In fact, there is at least one recorded case of two identical snow crystals in 1988 at the National Center for Atmosphere Research in Boulder, Colorado.

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tootsie pops Regine Poirier/Shutterstock

Fact: We know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop

Unlike the owl on the TV commercial, researchers at Purdue University took the time to figure out precisely how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. Officially, it's 364 licks.

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salvator mundi painting CHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Fact: The most expensive painting of all time sold for $450.3 million

In 2017, a painting called "Salvator Mundi" attributed to Leonardo da Vinci sold for $450.3 million at auction. It has been dated to approximately 1500. Learn about the most valuable finds from Antique Roadshow.

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Antarctica glacier on a bright sunny day jentmy/Shutterstock

Fact: The saltiest body of water on earth is in Antarctica

Located in Antarctica, Don Juan Pond has the highest salinity of any body of water on the planet—40 percent. In fact, despite the fact that surrounding temperatures can get as low as -22 degrees Fahrenheit (-5.56 °C), it never freezes. In addition to salty bodies of water, the earth is also home to naturally beautiful pink lakes.

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Hello Speech Bubble Word Cloud on Chalkboard in Many Different Languages Aysezgicmeli/Shutterstock

Fact: There are six official languages of the United Nations

Despite having 193 member countries, the United Nations only has six official languages. These are Chinese, Spanish, English, Russian, and French, which also happen to be the languages spoken in the founding members of the organization. The sixth language, Arabic, was added in 1974 by popular demand. Here's the secret to learning a new language.

Originally Published: December 19, 2019

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Havent Heard Back After Interview in Set Time Period

Source: https://www.rd.com/list/amazing-facts-you-havent-heard-before/

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