How to build a cube pendant light

If yous want your bedroom to look more vintage yous can create this amazing open cube pendant lite in some quick easy steps. So if you are ready I will guide you in creating this beautiful wooden cube.You will demand the materials to make your cube. Try finding ¾ square dowels, you will need 25 feet.

Hanging Cube Light3 View in gallery

First you will demand to cut iv long pieces of 15" and with the rest of the cloth y'all volition demand to brand 8 exact shorter pieces. Then you lot will make two squares using two long part and two short parts (for i square). To attach the squares yous will need a nail gun and finishing nails. After yous finish the two squares you will utilise the four remaining pieces to obtain a cube.

Cube3 View in gallery
Cube4 View in gallery
How To Build A Cube3 View in gallery

Openwork Cube Pendant Light3

Congratulations! You take now obtained your cube. Now you volition take to put in your cross parts. To practise that yous will demand to cut the ends at a 45 caste bending. After you lot end the cross parts yous will obtain an X's when you look from i side. Now it is time for the hardest role. Yous will demand to drill a hole in a corner so that the tube of the pendant light volition fit in. Y'all can now pigment the wood in any colour you want but I recollect the natural wood color volition go very well. Good luck and please be careful considering you will exist disappointed if you ruin the parts.{found on vintagerevivals}.


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