Draw a Circle Using the Line as the Diameter

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Need to find the diameter of a circle? Calculating diameter is easy—you just need the radius, the circumference, or the area. Even if you lot don't take whatsoever of those dimensions, you can still detect the diameter if y'all accept a drawing of the circumvolve. Proceed reading to learn all of the different formulas you can use to find the bore of a circle, examples included.

Calculation Help

  1. 1

    If you know the radius of the circle, double it to get the diameter. The radius is the distance from the center of the circumvolve to its edge.[1]

    If the radius of the circumvolve is iv cm, then the bore of the circle is 4 cm ten 2, or viii cm.

  2. 2

    If you know the circumference of the circle, divide it by π to go the diameter.

    π is equal to approximately three.xiv

    but you should apply your calculator to get the virtually authentic results.[ii]

    If the circumference of the circle is 10 cm, then the diameter is ten cm/π, or 3.18 cm.


  3. iii

    If you know the area of the circumvolve, divide the result by π and detect its foursquare root to get the radius; and so multiply by two to go the diameter. This goes back to manipulating the formula for finding the area of a circle, A = πrii, to get the bore. You can transform this into r = √(A/π) cm.[three]

    If the area of the circle is 25 cm2, divide that by π and find the square root.
    This equals cm 2.82cm, so the bore of the circumvolve is 2.82 x 2 = 5.64cm.


  1. 1

    Draw a horizontal line inside the circle from one edge to the other. Use a ruler or a straight edge to exercise this.

    It can be at the top, almost the bottom, or anywhere in between.

  2. 2

    Label the points where the line crosses the circumvolve points "A" and "B."

  3. 3

    Describe two overlapping circles, one using A as the center and the other using B as the center. Be sure the two circles overlap like a Venn diagram.

  4. iv

    Describe a vertical line through the two points at which the outer circles intersect. This line marks the diameter of the circle4.

  5. 5

    Measure the diameter.

    Measure information technology using a ruler,

    or for greater accurateness, a pair of digital calipers. Y'all're washed!


Add New Question

  • Question

    What is diference between radius and diameter?


    The radius is half the diameter.

  • Question

    If I have the circumference, how can I calculate diameter?


    Carve up the circumference by pi.

  • Question

    The radius of a dinner plate is 6 cm; what is the bore?


    Since the radius is half the diameter, to get the diameter, yous'd multiply the six cm by 2. The diameter of this round dinner plate is 12 cm.

  • Question

    What is the surface area of a circle?

    Community Answer

    The surface area of a circle is area=πr2, or pi * the radius squared, brand sure to first square the radius and so multiply that by pi.

  • Question

    How exercise I trace a circumvolve with a diameter of 4 cm?

    Community Answer

    You have a couple options. Observe something that is 4 cm in diameter (or slightly smaller) and draw around it. Use a compass fix to a radius of 2 cm. Use a drawing program and set the circumvolve backdrop so that information technology has a diameter of iv cm. Finally, use metric graph paper and plot the graph of x2 + y2 = 4. (one unit = one cm).

  • Question

    How practice I find the area of a circle that has a perimeter of 36 cm?


    Split up the circumference (perimeter) by pi. That gives yous the bore. Half of that is the radius. To get the area, square the radius, and then multiply by pi.

  • Question

    How do I calculate the circumference of a circle to the bore?



    Top Answerer

    C = 3.14 10 d

  • Question

    What is the diameter of a brawl with a book of 288?


    The diameter is equal to the cube root of the post-obit: half dozen times the volume divided past pi.

  • Question

    How can I find the coordinates of a diameter?

    Community Answer

    The diameter is formed from the center of 1 side of a circumvolve to the other, significant that in that location are no coordinates since the bore is always located in the center of the circumvolve.

  • Question

    If my radius is 20ft, how can I observe the bore?


    Double the radius.

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  • Using geometrical formulas and equations gets easier with practice. Enquire for assistance from someone who has worked with circles or any other geometrical figures. You're likely to notice that questions of geometry will seem less challenging with a little experience.

  • Familiarize yourself with the utilise of a compass (the drawing tool, not the direction-finder). This is a very useful instrument in many applications, including drawing a circle's diameter, as outlined to a higher place. A divider (an instrument similar to a compass) can sometimes exist used in such cases.[4]

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Things You'll Need

  • Calculator
  • Pencil with an eraser
  • Compass
  • Ruler
  • Digital calipers(optional)

About This Article

Article Summary X

To calculate the diameter of a circle, multiply the radius by ii. If you lot don't accept the radius, divide the circumference of the circumvolve by π to get the bore. If you lot don't have the radius or the circumference, split the area of the circle past π so find that number's square root to get the radius. And so, yous can just multiply the radius by 2 to find the circle's diameter. Read the commodity to larn how to calculate the bore of a circle using a ruler!

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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Calculate-the-Diameter-of-a-Circle

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